Athletic Secretary - Krista Cole - kcole@pomounties.org
Athletic Director - Dr. Kelly Rees - krees@pomounties.org
Athletic Secretary - Krista Cole - kcole@pomounties.org
Athletic Director - Dr. Kelly Rees - krees@pomounties.org
District 6 AA Team Duals
District 6 AA Team Duals
P-O will be traveling to Penns Valley on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
5:30 PM #9 P-O vs #8 Mo Valley
7:00 PM Winner of 5:30 vs #1 Penns Valley
Link for tickets:
Winter Sports Physicals and Recertifications
Winter Sports are near! Physicals or recertifications are needed for the first day of practice, November 15th. If your child played a Fall Sport, you will receive an email from Student Central regarding your student-athletes recertification for Winter Sports. If your child did not participate in a Fall Sport, the parent/guardian will need to visit https://studentcentral.bigteams.com, and create an account. All students already have an account in Student Central with their school email. After the parent/guardian creates their account with their own email, then the Trainer will be able to link the student-athlete and parent, guardian accounts. If you have any questions, please reach out to our certified athletic trainer, Chelsey Henry (chenry@pomounties.org or 814-577-5937).
Weight Room and Fitness Center Hours
24-25 Athletic Event Ticket Pricing