Health Services
  • Annual Health History and Over The Counter Medication Consent forms will be available through the Sapphire Parent Portal. Each student will need an updated Health History form submitted for the school year. Paper copies will only be sent home upon request.

  • Students requiring prescription medication during school hours are asked to have a parent bring medications to schools. Medications must be in the original pharmacy container with a written order from the physician, a written note from the parent with student name, parent signature with date, and number of pills in the bottle. Please bring the medication(s) to the main office to deliver to the nurse.

  • Please remember to use Sapphire parent portal to provide the school nurse with updated health information and a copy of updated immunizations. Required immunizations include: 7th grade-Tdap & MCV, and 11th grade second MCV. Please note that PO Cyber students and Homeschool students are required to show proof of immunizations.

*If experiencing difficulty uploading forms using Sapphire parent portal, please email the school nurse or submit a help ticket using the link found under the parent tab on the district webpage.


This year POASD is participating in an “OTC Only” program that gives us access to over-the-counter (OTC) COVID tests, free of charge, without having to have an active in-school testing program. There is no consent required for the OTC program, because there is no in-school testing involved. Nurses will send tests home with sick students or staff. Testing is encouraged if exhibiting symptoms of illness consistent with COVID. Regardless of COVID test results, students and staff are encouraged to consult a medical provider for evaluation and treatment of symptoms and should follow the return to school/work criteria.

Health Services Staff