Google Classroom Resource Page

On this page, you will find resources, guides, and FAQs regarding aspects of Google Classroom, account information, and more.

*Google Classroom can only be accessed with the student's account. A personal Google account will not allow access in to Google Classroom due to privacy settings.*

*Google Chrome must be used as the web browser for accessing Google Classroom and using the PDF editor. Student accounts have specific allowances and extensions built in to the Chrome account.*

Guardian Email Summaries

Guardian Email Summaries

A teacher or school administrator can invite a guardian to receive email summaries about their student’s work in class. To get summaries, the student must use Classroom with a G Suite account. Email summaries do not include grades. Request an invite from your student's teacher that includes your name and email address to be invited to the Guardian Email Summaries.(You can get email summaries sent to any email address. However, to view or update email summary settings, you need a Google Account.)

What’s included in an email summary?

  • Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.
  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).
  • Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.

Guardians who sign up for email summaries can’t see the Stream, Classwork, People, or Grades pages in Classroom.

Guardian Email Summaries FAQ