When should I keep my child home from school?

When they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms that are not associated with any other known illness.

  • fever (temp above 100.4 degrees F)

  • cough

  • shortness of breath

  • difficulty breathing

  • new lack of smell or taste

  • sore throat

  • runny nose/congestion

  • chills

  • muscle pain

  • nausea or vomiting

  • headache

  • diarrhea

  • fatigue

What happens if my child is sent home ill from school?
  • If your child is sent home with a fever (over 100.4 degrees F) and/or​ COVID-19 symptoms, you​ will be encouraged to have your child evaluated by a medical provider.

  • This year, POASD is participating in an “OTC Only” program that gives us access to over-the-counter (OTC) COVID tests, free of charge, without having to have an active in-school testing program. There is no consent required for the OTC program, because there is no in-school testing involved. Nurses will send tests home with sick students or staff. Testing is encouraged if exhibiting symptoms of illness consistent with COVID. Regardless of COVID test results, students and staff are encouraged to consult a medical provider for evaluation and treatment of symptoms and should follow the return to school/work criteria.

What happens if my child tests positive?

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, you will need to notify your child's school nurse and follow CDC protocol for isolation. The current guidance is to isolate 5 full days following onset of symptoms or positive test date. Day 0 is onset of symptoms or positive test date if asymptomatic.

Should I notify the school of potential exposures outside of school?

If your child has been in close contact with a family member/household member who has tested positive for COVID-19, please notify the school nurse and closely monitor your child and keep home if they develop any symptoms of illness.

How will students return to school following COVID -19 related absences?
  • Doctor’s notes and/or DOH releases must be either emailed/faxed directly to the school -OR- delivered in person by a parent or guardian to the office.

  • Students must be transported to the school by parents/guardians and report to the office before returning to classes.